
Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Just had to share my thoughts tonight. I am feeling very thankful. We have been having some serious winter weather here lately. Yesturday, I started out at 9:00 in the morning to the city for some groceries and a little Christmas shopping. I only made it about 5 miles and decided to turn around it was too dangerous. The roads were very icy and snow covered. I came home to my very nice cozy house and cleaned the rest of the day until the kids got home from school.

We had to try it again for an orthodontic appointment in a town 15 miles away. It was okay going down but on the way home we hit a very icy spot and slid off the road about 30 feet into some very deep snow, barely missing a freeway sign and came to a stop. Of course, we were stuck. Before I could get my husband called, a man from our community was going down the other side of the freeway, turned around and came back to help us. He didn't know it was us until he got there. He was just coming to help whomever it was. I was so thankful that there are great people out there who will stop to help a stanger in need. He is in his 70's and could have used a million excuses not to stop. He and my husband were able to get us out. No injuries, not even the car. So thankful. Again, I was able to continue home to my warm cozy home.

Today, as the storm of the year is hitting us. Schools were let out early and were canceled for tomorrow because of this storm. Winds and snow like I haven't seen in a long time. I think how thankful I am to have a warm home for my family.
I was able to add a few leaves to our thankful garland.
"Home, kind people, warm fire, and family."
Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
What are you thankful for?


  1. I'm feeling the same way as you-- especially with this crazy storm. Thankful to be inside, all my children warm and bundled up and happy. What a wonderful blessing.

    Glad you didn't get hurt.

  2. Wow Brooke - someone was looking out for you. Glad to hear your family is warm and safe at home for the holidays. Should be a beautiful landscape at least! Have a great Thanksgiving :)

  3. I'm thankful for my awesome family. I'm glad to hear all is well. Fortunately, we haven't had any bad weather in my area in Kansas yet.
