
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

BIG project. What were we thinking?

Here is what we (the hubster and I) are working on...
See all that wood in the background, that is part of it too. It is not even close to being finished. Here is another picture a little farther along...
I think I will keep it a secret as to what it is but the last picture has many hints.
I think you will think we are crazy and sometimes I think that is true. But we are in to it to far now and it is way to expensive to stop now. I hope to be finished in a week or so. But for now we are spending long hours in the garage.
Would you like to take a guess?

New Friend Fridays


  1. Ooh oh oh. I can't wait to see what it is. I think I know, but I'm not sure. Exciting!

  2. New Follower. Love the crafty thing you do feel free to follow me at

  3. Whatever it is it looks awesome! I feel the same way this week-- what have I gotten myself into?

  4. Thanks for following me at Obviously MARvelous! Im now a follower of your blog as well :) Love your lamp shade project the most!

