
Monday, May 24, 2010

Neglected hallway no more

You know, there is a place we walk by and through a hundred times a day. A place screaming for attention. Wanting to be noticed. Well, you may not have one but I do. A neglected hallway. Coming down my hall this is what you see...
BORING! Everywhere else gets attention. I actually have been going to get something for this wall for a while now. I just didn't want a single picture or print. So I was shopping at Tai Pan, something I do quite often. (Don't tell the husband) I found these frames that I loved. That would be interesting. Stack 3 of these cool frames on top of each other. So...

I love how they stick out from the wall. They are really rustic and unique.
My hallway is no longer neglected. I love coming down the hall and having something to look at. I put photos of family and trips we love, so they can cheer us up when we see them.
How is your hallway? Is it neglected like mine was?

I am linking to:
The Girl Creative
Keeping It Simple


  1. Your hallway looks like my hallway, Brooke! Same doors and everything! I love the frames. :)

  2. It looks great! Perfect choice of decor. Love it!

  3. They fit perfectly! I have a ton of places just like this in my house too.

  4. Great choice! Amazing how something so simple can be perfect and make a huge difference! I have lots of nooks that need attention, but I have to convince hubby first! xx

  5. I love decorating with photos, and I love the frames you found!

  6. Those are great, I love how chunky they are, they really pop!

  7. They look great, Brooke! I know what you mean ~ I do have a long hallway that used to hold all our family pictures and the kids school awards/certificates. I took everything down last year when we were going on the market, but we are off now and that hallway is so empty! I do have some framed egg prints that I think I'm going to put in this hallway {since I took their former location over with something else}.
