
Thursday, March 4, 2010

Does your bathroom ever look like this....?

This is the "kids" bath. I have to admit I already put away the curling iron and blow dryer etc. But there is all this stuff just laying around on the counter. Clutter! The thing I hate most.
What about this....
How could you possibly find what you need in here.

I found this on the clearance isle at Tai Pan. I thought the four different compartments would help organize the stuff.
Now that's better....

Now for that drawer!!!!!!!
I found these clear little baskets in my closet. Free! Gotta love that!
a href="">

You won't believe how they fit perfect side by side in the drawer. I threw away, organized and cleaned.
Now look...
Small stuff in the baskets, big stuff in the back. I put all the ribbons in a ziplock bag. My daughter is 17 so she doesn't use the ribbon much anymore, but just in case they are tucked away in the ziplock. Combs and brushes are used the most so they are in the front.
Now how long do we expect it to look like this...?


  1. Looks great! One of my favorite things is organizing messy closets/drawers too. Thanks for your input on my paint dilemma :)

  2. My bathroom ALWAYS looks like that. And nope it never stays organized. Maybe I should live alone...hmmm....

  3. That's like a mirror image to my bathroom drawer.. it's horrible. But with 3 girls in the house..... :)

    Great idea though, I'll have to do that over here!

  4. Looks great! Very organized and how great you had those storage bins already. I used to do things like this in my kids bathroom with the threat that it had better always look this way now! It lasted about a week.

  5. Great job! Looks great! I like to organize like that, just wish things would STAY that way.. with kids though, you have to keep checking back! ;)

  6. I love Tai Pan. They have the greatest stuff. Your drawer looks perfect. I love organization.
